Thursday, February 12, 2009

UCD Healthy Eating Competition

About two years ago, I arrived home with a butternut squash in hand and an idea for a new yummie soup. My family sat around and watched me prepare it with very cautious yet intrigued eyes, soup has always been the one thing we constanly demanded from mum, so I wanted to give her a break and use this simple recipe to turn this odd looking vegetable into quite a delicious treat. Mum can whip up a tank of delicious soup in no time and it has never failed.

So, this is my signature soup, I love sharing it with people and when I got an e-mail about the UCD Healthy Eating Competition, I got really excited and knew that I had to share this soup with everyone, it's perfect for students as it's so cheap and it's full of nutrients, good for the soul.

I entered my recipe into the competition with literally minutes to spare for the deadline, it was very exciting! and that was just over two weeks ago and on Monday I couldn't remember what day we would be notified if our recipes has been chosen or not, so I re-checked the application form and saw that it was Monday, I got no word on Monday and had to hide my disappointment, but I knew somewhere out there someone wanted the butternut on Tuesday evening when I was lounging around, I got an e-mail telling me that my the butternut sqaush soup recipe had been shortlisted to be a finalist at the Healthy Eating Competition on Monday 16th, I raised the roof with excitement and slightly scared my housemates, I told my sisters and my folks straight away, they have developed a close relationship with the butternut squash, or sugar nut plum as dad likes to call it!!

So, Monday the Cooks Academy will prepare my dish along with the other finalists, I can't wait to see what everyone has in store, it will be held in The Atrium of The Student Centre on Monday 16th @ 12:30 in the afternoon, fingers crossed the butternut squash tingles a few taste buds!!

I'll be posting the recipe shortly, as soon as I find out how me and the squash get on on Monday!!

The Epic First Post

Ever since I can remember I've had an interest in the way food comes together to create a masterpiece in your mouth. I grew up eating the most delicious meals, my mum always baked beautiful breads and cakes and whenever we got in from school, there was always a hearty bowl of steaming homemade soup waiting for us to gobble up. Food has always been a big part of our family, whenever we visited my grannies and great aunts, the smells of freshly baked brown soda bread would go straight to our hungry tummies.

I can't resist the temptations of creating new dishes and the one thing I love is seeing people enjoying good food and putting a smile on someone's face. I always get given out to because I'm so bossy in the kitchen and everyone wants to help but the only help I want is to see clean plates after a big feed.

My sister was the one who convinced me to set up Spuds and Cheddar and from the name you can guess what my two favourite foods are!! She is the guinea pig to many of my dishes and god bless her she's tried many a concoction!

When I was in secondary school, I studied Home Economics and my love of food only grew ever more, I had amazing teachers who taught me the secrets to a deliciously naughtie chocolate cake and how to woo anybody with a saucy number.

I love the aromas food brings to us and the hunger it creates within us. Coming home after a long day and whizzing up something homemade and full of fresh herbs and spices makes the end of my day so much brighter, I always go to bed a happy camper with a happy tummy!!

And knowing only too well how we all like to indulge, I do it all the time :) I thought that I would share the recipes that I've come across and added my own little touches to over the past few years, every attempt is made to make theses dishes as healthy but as scrumptious as they can be. There's something for everybody, from the dedicated veggie to the meaty maestro, so tuck in and enjoy every last bite!!!